Karen, Nairobi

Life in Karen

The Marists and PSI offer Students, Faculty, Staff and Administrators the convenience of healthy dinning or eating opportunities. Marist’s brothers have meals together in the main dinning hall and at some other times in their fraternities. PSI students eat in their dinning hall and at some other times in the Basilio Fraternity.

For Off-campus or non-residential students, a well supervised cafeteria is located in the university for students, staff, faculty and administrators who wish to buy food and drinks. The prices of food and services are comparatively very low and reasonable.

Health and Wellness

In PSI we know the value of health and wellness. PSI places premium on personal development. Therefore the choice of Marist University College provides that enabling environment for total integration. Every student is compulsorily directed to subscribe to available health insurance policy, use recreational facilities and eat healthily. The Director of the institute and the Dean of students are on hand to show you in the right direction.

Counselling and Consultation

PSI staff are well equipped with modern tools and techniques to reach out to any student in need of personal or emotional support. You can speak to the Director or the Dean of students and they will arrange appropriate support system for you.

Pastoral Support

Student priests are encouraged to fully prepare themselves to be part of the spiritual life of the university chapel. Daily and weekend masses are celebrated in the Marists’ main chapel, except for Thursdays in the Fraternity. Priest-students take turns to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. Please come along with your albs and personal stoles. Our students (both priests and nuns) enrich the liturgy by singing in the chapel choir. Are you musical? Come along with any instrument you are skilled in. At weekends, our students join the Marists brothers to prepare weekend liturgy, choir practice and other liturgical activities.

PSI is a Community

 In the Marist’s compound, there are various hostels named after some brothers of the Marists. PSI students live in one of them named Basilio Fraternity. Hedged by lovely flowers, economic trees and beautiful lawns. Sister Caroline Onyeoziri one of the students describes Basilio Fraternity as “a home, a place of loving welcome where we live a community life. We keep the environment tidy because we love it as a home. Every day after mass, we clean the outside, the floors of the hostel, kitchen, refrigerator and some times get on each others’ skin when the place is not tidy enough. We love the hostel and want it pristine clean as cleanliness is next to holiness. We do the cleaning just after breakfast preparatory to going for classes.”

Sport Facilities