The Institute offers the following programmes:
Master's Degree in Psycho-Spiritual Therapy and Counselling.
This is a two-year intensive course that is a combination of academic training, professional exposure and spiritual formation, towards the wholesome growth and transformation of the candidates. Upon successfully completing the course programme and the required practical experience, candidates will be awarded a Master’s degree by the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. Such graduates will be equipped to facilitate healing and give counselling support to persons across Africa, who are struggling with such issues of an emotional, psychological and spiritual nature, as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, confusion, burn-out, mid-life crisis, addictive disorders, grieving disorders, suicide ideation, as well as sexual abuse. They could also serve as Counsellors and Chaplain in several institutions, including colleges and universities, formation houses and seminaries, prisons, hospitals, and drug rehabilitation centres.
There is room for those who choose to simply “audit” the two-year course without the master’s degree.
Sabbatical Programme
This is a 9 months self-discovery and spiritual renewal programme, especially for Catholic Priests and Religious who have been in ministry or in the religious life for 10 years or over. It is principally aimed at the renewal and transformation of the candidate himself or herself, while also providing opportunities for the candidate to acquire basic skills in Psycho-Spiritual Counselling and Spiritual Direction. It combines a few structured courses with such psychological and spiritual interventions that are designed to facilitate healing, growth and ongoing transformation.
Summer Intergrative Course
This is a 6 weeks intensive programme during the Summer holidays, that exposes candidates to the fundamentals of psychology and basic concepts, approaches, tools and techniques in the dynamics of Psycho-Spiritual healing, growth, and transformation, in a peaceful, serene and prayerful environment.