
Registration Form

PSI has two categories of students as follows:


Residential facilities (bed and board) are available for Catholic priests and religious who are admitted for the programme. The accommodation facility is in close proximity to the Institute. Priests and Religious will therefore pay for both tuition and full board, unless by special arrangement, they are permitted to reside off-campus or be non-residential.


This category of students will be required to pay only the tuition fee, and they will find themselves their own accommodation within the city of Nairobi.


    Please click where applicable

    Phone Number

    Student Category

    Select Programme

    *Note: Upload all documents in a SINGLE ZIP FILE*

    Upload the following documents;

    1. All listed certificates
    2. Medical Report
    3. Letter of recommendation from your sponsor/superior
    4. 2 Passport photographs
    5. Information page of your international travel document (passport).
    6. Transcripts
    7. Police Report on your behaviour (if you are non-Kenyan)
    8. Letter of intent (reason for wanting to undergo the course).
    9. Any other document that will support your application

     NOTE: Please send your application to the director’s email: [] if you are unable to upload it here.