Rev Sr. Marilyn Atimango is a religious sister of the Sisters of the Sacred heart of Jesus from Uganda. She holds a Masters Degree in Counseling psychology from Catholic University and also waiting to graduate in African Studies of Marynoll University in USA. She has a BA, Diploma and Certificate in Counseling psychology from Uganda Martyrs University. She has additional qualifications with Diploma in Business Administration and Post experiential Diploma in Sustainable Organic farming. Also, she holds certificates in T.O.T in psycho-spiritual therapy, Counseling Supervision, and currently, she is Pershing a Certificate in Spiritual Guidance from Jesuits in Mwangaza.
She is a lecturer in the psycho-spiritual institute. She is the coordinator of Counseling and Practicum activities in PSI. Sr. Marilyn offers counseling in some male and female religious formation houses. She facilitates workshops and seminars on human sexuality, human growth and development, and positive psychology to formation houses and different groups.